Reply to post: Re: Are they kidding?

Train your self-driving car AI in Grand Theft Auto V – what could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Are they kidding?

Also, try a grenade or some tear gas. The great thing about blowing up cars in GTA is that sometimes they go in a chain, like a bunch stopped at a light, and that is generally very satisfying. Tear gas is good for clearing out the NPCs and taking some cars without fussy drivers wanting them back.

Great idea, but I also think that GTA could be a bit more realistic with regards to the level of pedestrians and traffic. i.e. it needs more. There are generally less people crossing the street than in real life, but otherwise these games are a must for whatever system you have. I don't even do missions anymore, I just take Trevor out in the jet fighter and blow up pandas (aka police vehicles) or strafe the prison towers. Plus, the mysterious satellite dishes near his house are a great source of FIB vehicles. There's so much to do in Los Santos!

If you have not yet secured a jet fighter, keep at it! I spent many in-game dollars dying to figure out how to make off with the jet when the military is on you like fire ants (aka Spicy Boys).

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