Reply to post: Re: So, still playing with their lab toy

MIT brainiacs wrangle 2D graphene into super-strong 3D art homework


Re: So, still playing with their lab toy

Could we finally get a real-life implementation of this wondrous technology, or will we have to wait another 100 years ?

We should be down to 75 years. ;) The graphene / nanotube / buckyball craze blew up around 1990 and was hot stuff while I was in college shortly thereafter.

But more seriously, it typically takes a few decades to get novel materials into service. Engineers with critical applications that need wonder materials also want vast amounts of data and narrow scatter bars on material properties before they'll risk using it.

Graphene is near the beginning of the curve, and cursed with the problem that its super properties are most applicable at the microscopic scale. Scaling up to bulk materials comes with huge reductions in performance.

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