Reply to post: Re: Google's AI is simply shit.

For Fark's sake! Fark fury follows 5-week ad ban for 5-year-old story


Re: Google's AI is simply shit.

As are they all when it comes to ads. I regularly am showed adverts for razors. Razors from Amazon, razors delivered monthly by subscription, razors guaranteed to work longer than any other, you name it.

I wear a beard. There was a period some years ago when I went all "Color Sergeant Bourne" and had a full set, but the last time I shaved my face with a blade razor has to have been years ago. I don't recall browsing razor or shaving related sites recently. But something in my browser cache must've triggered team Gillette and Co.

I wonder if it was the Wollice and Grommit DVD I ordered?

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