Reply to post: Will it.....

Robo-supercar hype biz Faraday Future has invented something – a new word for 'disrupt'


Will it.....

Disrupt what my current vehicle does: Go over 350 miles on a single tank of gas (petrol). I can drive nonstop for over 5 hours (at speed!) in my big ugly SUV, going from the Pasadena, CA area to the San Francisco bay area (look on a map, ZIP code 91017 to 94040) with a single tank of fuel.

No current electric vehicle even comes close. So, don't bother to DISRUPT me as I don't really care. If you want to disrupt, feel free to build another lane each way on I-5 from Bakersfield to Stockton, and I might listen.

Yawn. More hype and hot air!

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