Reply to post: The Internet has proved its usefulness both rurally and urban, stop faffing, its here to stay.

Networks in 2016: A full fibre diet for

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

The Internet has proved its usefulness both rurally and urban, stop faffing, its here to stay.

Regulators Ofcom, including a whole industry of so called experts has formed/grown up around trying to decipher bamboozed, obfuscated 'upto' ADSL/FTTC Internet speeds. It's all just become so bloody complicated no one can actually see a way of getting competition back in the market place with the current BT Openreach local loop infrastructure. BT is utterly entrenched, in part by market regulation, CMA allowing takeover of EE.

In terms of your 1983 IBM its like sticking with a 10BaseT 10Mbps Coxial Network within an Office Environment, spending hours monitoring transfer speeds, putting in place hundred's of manual procedures (copying to external devices etc) to provide a work-around because of the slow 10Mbps network speeds. Being completely frustrated, knowing that replacing the cable, network card, you can have 1000Mbps, for pretty much the same cost, if you go about it correctly.

Let's get rid of all the waffle, Pointless based on BT copper carcass tech is obsolete before its out the door.

Upgrade the local loop to true fibre, which enables households to take multiple services from different telecom providers. Job done. Follow Swiss model of 4-6 (redundant) fibres to the Premises for future proofing/wholesale open access.

Stop pampering/agreeing to a pointless USO limited to BT current legacy copper carcass infrastructure. Apathy will mean no one with an ADSL connection of 5Mbps upwards is going to pay BT £5000-15000+ for 10Mbps USO. It's utterly pointless regulation.

It's a situation Ofcom is never going to win against BT and will cost just as much in handouts/regulation costs. The only way is providing the redundancy to enable true choice, true fibre optic FTTP with wholesale open access to redundant fibres.

At least start now (because its going to take a long time at this rate) insist all new installs/end of life upgrades are FTTP from now on Openreach's local loop. DO IT NOW OFCOM, enough is enough.

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