Reply to post: Re: tony72 Re: Umm

Sexbots could ‘over-exert’ their human lovers, academic warns

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: tony72 Re: Umm

"....a sexbot that you find so attractive and sexually fulfilling....." Even more to the point, is he suggesting we should somehow punish those women that are currently the "apex predators" in attractiveness as they reduce the chance men will want to have sex with "ordinary" women? Will a legally-enforced limit be set to how sexy Margot Robbie can look going to be set? Seeing as the whole fashion industry depends on people remaining insecure about their looks and constantly trying to attain an artificial and - frankly, for the majority of people - unobtainable level of attractive "perfectness", I don't see that being a problem for the sex robot manufacturers in court. And that's before we start looking at other hanger-ones to the fashion industry, such as womens' magazines, which seem to constantly pump out articles stating "buy this rag and we'll tell you how to have the best sex ever".

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