Reply to post: Re: The Amish

View from a Reg reader: My take on the Basic Income


Re: The Amish

I am sure the Amish look after their aged and ill, how do they deal with those that refuse to work? Possibly it does not really happen due to upbringing and a healthier outlook on life?

"Do I like feeling useful? Yes. Do I like messing around with lots of mates? Yes. The meaning of life is to fart about, as Kurt Vonnegut said."

Agreed, I've built house extensions and helped mates out with DIY, I like solving problems and building stuff, however as this includes things like telephone systems, networks, data centres and cars* I don't think the Amish lifestyle is for me. When I retire I'll undoubtedly keep building stuff, I just won't be being paid to do as much of it. UBI may allow more people to invent/create some really useful or interesting things and take the risk of seeing if they can earn an income doing something they love doing. If nothing else it might reduce depression and intolerance, but part of me fears the dystopia of state subsistance and an isolated elite, human nature being what it is.

* I walk to work, go figure...

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