Reply to post: Re: "Deniers" a pejorative? I think not

Climate change bust up: We'll launch our own damn satellites if Trump pulls plug – Gov Brown

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: "Deniers" a pejorative? I think not

The basic — and may I repeat that? thanks: "basic, basic, basic, basic" — and irrefutable physics behind the blockage, absorption, and re-radiation of long-wave radiation by large, active molecules such as CO2, CH4, N2O, and the like, and how that blockage and re-radiation warms the troposphere, surface, and ocean in quite easily measurable and quantifiable amounts while concomitantly and measurably cooling the stratosphere, have been well-demonstrated for many decades.
But that is not climate. Climate is the "Condition (of a region or country) in relation to prevailing atmospheric phenomena, as temperature, dryness or humidity, wind, clearness or dullness of sky, etc., esp. as these affect human, animal, or vegetable life."

To which end we have the most widely used climate classification system: Köppen climate classification. Here is the current map.

Please tell me which of these Köppen climate zones have changed over the last century and provide evidence for your assertion. Calling me a "climate denialist" doesn't cut the mustard. Especially since my understanding of climate (obtained at Big School) is that Earth's climates were different 6,000 years ago, 10,000 years ago etc.

Until you provide the evidence I will continue to believe that "Deniers" is a "pejorative" term.

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