Reply to post: Re: Better interference handling?

Bluetooth: Remember us? Internet of Things before it was a Thing?

Marcelo Rodrigues

Re: Better interference handling?

"Does this mean I can finally listen to music on bluetooth headphones without being forced to keep my phone in a breast pocket? Even having my phone as far away as my hip is enough to cause a frustrating number of interruptions."

This is due to bad project. I had a Nokia BH-214 headset. It was my first, and by far the better. About 8 meters of effective range, not a single drop, and as hard as a 3310.

When it died a watery death, I bought a Philips. An SHB6110/10. My $DEITY, what a piece of crap. Awful reception, awful mic. The sound was ok, but...

Then I got a Sony. A MW600. It is very good. Decent range, good sound, no dropouts... But the clip used to fix it is quite fragile, and broke.

Second Sony. This time an SBH20. It is good. No dropouts, decent sound. The mic is meh.

So. The tech is sound. It is even reliable. But we do find bad implementations, even from big names.

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