Reply to post: @ Steve Davies Re: @AC For older people, this is déjà vu all over again..

Look out, Brussels: Google's moving the goalposts, barks price comparison rival

Ian Michael Gumby

@ Steve Davies Re: @AC For older people, this is déjà vu all over again..

No its Silicone Valley.

In tech, women know that sex sells.

Also there are some of both sexes (and those who are sexually confused) who have enhanced their craniums by removing parts of their brains to place one or more of those Bulgarian Air Bags sub cranium.

There is also another disease that has been getting worse since the 90's. Its called Silicon Valley Syndrome. Its where you feel your self worth, importance and technical skills set grow as you get closer to the valley. (This is real, I kid you not. I and a buddy have a mutual friend who could have been patient 0)

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