Reply to post: Re: The fault is the operating system

90 per cent of the UK's NHS is STILL relying on Windows XP

David Roberts

Re: The fault is the operating system

There is one small problem there.

The usual expectation for an OS is to make a one off payment (not too expensive, obviously) and then have open ended free support. People also generally expect to pay for a software package and just keep using it.

Beyond a certain point this is not a finacially viable model for the supplier.

Tough, you say, that's their problem the money grubbing bastards.

Eventually it is the users problem when the supplier can no longer afford to support the software and/or goes out of business.

The tactical approach is to spend as little as possible this financial year (see all industries which rely on infrastructure). Bonuses reflect cost performance in the current year.

The strategic approach is to budget in this and every future year for ongoing infrastructure maintenance including (with software) support, migration, update and escrow of the software including the supporting hardware and the build environment.

Good luck with the business case (nuclear, railways, roads, navy.......specialist computer controlled hardware..... ).

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