Reply to post: Re: Dear Mrs May

Information on smart meters? Yep. They're great. That works, right? –

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: Dear Mrs May

"Seriously, the level of paranoia around smart meters is un fucking believable. People seem to check their brains at the door in these threads."

The same can be said for the ministers and civil servants behind this scheme too, From what I recall, the UK wasn't all that enthusiastic about this project when the EU kicked it off, hence being well behind schedule in even starting the roll-out. With Brexit looming large, you'd expect the UK government to be stalling a bit until there's no longer an EU requirement to continue with this expensive white elephant. And yet it's all steaming along at full tilt. You'd almost think that either they can't stop once they've started, or they found some other reasons to keep going.

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