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Crims using anti-virus exclusion lists to send malware to where it can do most damage

Lee D Silver badge

Affected OS: Any that use antivirus software that has exceptions.

That's Windows, Mac and Linux before you even start (I have Sophos on all three, in my workplace, it has the same options for all three).

And please don't fall into the trap that a particular instance of a specific virus with very specific characteristics (uses THIS registry key, etc.) is all you need to defend against. There will be several thousand variations within days, including on those other platforms, taking account of the same problem on them all, using slightly different code, targets and markers.

For example, it would now take but a few minutes for a skilled virus writer to take the code for a Windows instance of this virus, modify it or recreate it on Linux, and target the same weakness on the same software on another OS.

The OS just does not matter.

Even the AV doesn't matter.

Assume that, by the time you're aware of a viruses capabilities, those capabilities are available for all platforms, and all similar software.

Anything else is utter stupidity.

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