Reply to post: Re: Smart Watch needs a reboot.

Apple Watch sales go over a cliff: Down 2.8 meellion per quarter in a year

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Smart Watch needs a reboot.

>Aside from the security issues involved, the trouble is that all you're really saying is that a smartwatch would be useful if it was a smartphone.

That isn't what he saying. He wants a watch to function as a house key, a car key fob, or a bank card - if the security can be nailed down (a question of implementation, not concept).

What is notable about these applications is that they don't require a power-hungry display, or even a power-hungry continuous connection to his phone.

> Taking a phone out of a pocket is not difficult and takes only a second or two, so simply doing the same as a phone but on your wrist is not enough.

That is a second or two, repeated many times a day. And you might have muddy hands, or it might be raining out, you might have your hands full with shopping, or you might not want to bring your phone with you. I wear a conventional watch because I don't want to fumble into my pocket just to tell the time.

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