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Exclusive: Team Trump's net neutrality guru talks to El Reg

Anonymous Coward

Re: ...

> [...] So, you accuse an article that mentions Google - in passing - twice [...]

The article is - supposedly - about the incoming Trump Administration's stance on net neutrality.

What does this have to do with Google?

> Eric Schmidt was on Obama's transition team, and it took a while before Google controlled the Government. At least a few years.

I expect to read inflammatory statements such as Google controls the Government at Alex Jones' InfoWars web site. Not here.

At any rate, what does this have to do with the incoming Trump Administration and its stance on net neutrality?

A number of Silicon Valley companies - some big, others not so big - lobbied the Obama Administration in support of net neutrality. Google was one of those companies.

A large number of individuals - not corporations - supported net neutrality as well. Signatures were summitted to the White House in support of net neutrality.

How is any of this relevant to the Trump Administration's views on net neutrality?

It appears that the incoming Trump Administration is set to rescind the FCC's rules on net neutraility. I fail to see any redeeming features in this rescission.

Packet prioritization, bandwidth throttling and tirered pricing will not inherently create a more democratic Internet. A much more expensive Internet for consumers, yes, and that's about it.

- Anything that Google supports - BAD.

- Anything that Google might not support - GOOD.

Reality is much more subtle and nuanced than this. It's not black and white. Just many different shades of grey.

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