Reply to post: Re: TOR & VPNs

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: TOR & VPNs

Good choice staying anon. A while back I mentioned that we ban tor IPs at work because none of them are customers and most of them are malicious, and got downvoted into oblivion.

This may have to do something with the reasons why. I didn't block them by default, I did it after checking if I wasn't cutting out valid visitors. I'm perfectly OK with people seeking to protect their privacy to the point of not having advertising, asocial media links or 3rd party statistics on any site, but there was nothing coming in via that route. At the same time, even the raw 404s showed that any hit from an anonymised channel was with malicious intent, so it then wasn't a hard decision to make.

I would have loved to make this better controlled, but when I asked Maxmind to quote me prices for their specific anon database (rather than what we extract from the generic licensed geo database) they got coy and wanted to know why we'd want it, no doubt to see for how much they could stiff us. As I have no permission to discuss corporate strategy with sales idiots, that's where the conversation stopped - they can keep it.

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