Reply to post: only thing I ask

Debian putting everything on the /usr

Nate Amsden

only thing I ask

As a debian user since 2.0 in 1998.. (whose personal servers still split /usr /var and /home etc on different logical volumes)

is they keep system rescue utilities on /

But sounds like they won't.. stupid stupid.. sad to see.

reminds me of one time I tried to rescue a solaris system many years ago, the /usr was not accessible for whatever reason I forgot why at the time, and of course I couldn't even run 'ls', I had to rely on 'echo *' to see what files were on the system to try to find the command to mount or fsck or something.

oh well, like systemd that I haven't had the misfortune of using yet I guess I'll have to get used to this move too eventually.(*trying not to think about it*)

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