Reply to post: Re: Is it me?

The encryption conundrum: Should tech compromise or double down?

Daniel B.

Re: Is it me?

It almost seems the pro-encryption community sees the same slippery slope as the pro-firearms community. The pro-gun guys say the difference between an AR-15 and a Remington 740 with wood stocks is nil. The pro-crypt guys say the difference between encryption without a back door and true encryption is nil.

It's a proven fact. Encryption depends on the secret key remaining secret. Once you have a "second secret" that can be used to decrypt any given message, people (good AND bad) will instead focus on acquiring said secret. It will be leaked, and then all crypto will be rendered useless.

It's hilarious because you were close with the pro-firearms analogy, but you got the analogy itself wrong. The correct one would be "outlaw secure crypto, and only outlaws will have it". And it's 100% correct.

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