Reply to post: Re: Windows Equivalent

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Re: Windows Equivalent

s/Windows/Just about any commercial enterprise-class OS too/

AIX, Solaris, HP-UX - If you have physical access (or access via the management interface), you can compromise the system.

Various attempts have been made to close or narrow this (tiny) loophole*, e.g.

- HP-UX Secure Boot wouldn't let you interrupt the boot; Unless you disconnected the boot disk and reset that option in the "BIOS" equivalent.

- Solaris wouldn't let you enter single-user mode without a password. Unless you booted from media.

*My knowledge may be out of date - disk encryption offers some interesting possibilities - but I'd bet that every boot security measure put in place has a backdoor. Writing off a production system just because someone lost the root password isn't an option for most organisations.

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