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British politicians sign off on surveillance law, now it's over to the Queen

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Ok so you have my internet history what exactly are you going to do with it?

This question has not been answered and should have been a fundamental question when proposing this law rather than blanket surveillance that could be used for everything. Well to be honest it should never have got this far in the first place.

Here's a thought that I'm think no one else has pondered. (though I am probably wrong)

Who is responsible for the search engines? Let's say I search for information about IS and there are results that are pro-IS and anti-IS, who is responsible for the links I click as I could inadvertently click one that is pro-IS, end up on a watch list and have my house raided at 6am by giddy police looking for bombs, beards and overtime.

The internet is about to become a place where you have to watch your every move.

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