Reply to post: Re: Not Going To Work

Virgin Galactic and Boom unveil Concorde 2.0 tester to restart supersonic travel


Re: Not Going To Work

To clarify, I did not say that this plane was impossible to build, just that it would be not economical to run. History is also littered with civil SST projects -- there's a good dozen of them on Wikipedia. When some guys on Kickstarter claim that they can re-build and run Concorde at a fraction of the cost. The company has better credentials than most, but count me a sceptic.

My guess is that Sir Richard gets some good press out of it, with little risk and no money down. His purchase will evaporate when costs skyrocket.

Check out Terrafugia. Another group of highly capable people, but they are still trying to get off the ground 10 years on, with a much simpler product.

Let's meet again in a few years and see how this worked out, shall we? Beer's on me.

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