Reply to post: Re: Levels of backup

Post-outage King's College London orders staff to never make their own backups

Chris King

Re: Levels of backup

Backing stuff up between machines in a research group is one thing, but you still need to make sure you've got a backup somewhere else.

What if you're all in one building that goes BOOMCRACKLECRACKLECRACKLE ?

(I was there a couple of weeks before the blaze, and a colleague said "Oooh, I wouldn't want to be near those gas tanks if the place goes up !")

I've also seen a research team lose access to everything when one of their number did something rather naughty, and Mr Plod seized ALL of their kit. They had all been backing up their work to each other's machines, and NOWHERE else. Fortunately, they got their machines back reasonably quickly, but not before they had to buy replacements and beg Plod to make a copy of their data to fresh disks.

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