Reply to post: Re: Viewed logically

'Ultimate Team' scheme: EA hackers charged for stealing in-game coins

lglethal Silver badge
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Re: Viewed logically

I'm not an EA fan, but that argument is bunk. EA have lost out in sales. There is a market for those coins (otherwise the crims wouldn't have made millions) selling them. EA do sell player packs direct, but people bought the coins as they were a little bit cheaper then buying the packs direct.

I'm not going to claim its 1:1 losses (some people wouldn't have wanted to, or been able to afford paying full price), but a significant portion would still have bought the packs at full price if that was the only option.

So yes EA has lost a lot of money this way.

And its pretty much s straight case of fraud or obtaining by deception. Theft of digital things is always a bit of a difficult concept, and I'm never particularly comfortable with it being used, but its pretty clear case of obtaining by deception...

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