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Google's crusade to make mobile web apps less, well, horrible


Open an app killer, what do I see? Maps, Play, Gmail, etc all have opened uninvited. I'm sure they're not sending any data I didn't ask them to, they just like being open in case I should need them. Terefore they aren't impeding any loading times on things I did request, just standing by. Like a bunch of toughs on a corner.

And then I try to read an article. I scroll along... wait, what was that again? Scroll upward and now the browser's URL bar drops down as does the Brobdingnagian website menubar megalith.

There goes half my small screen for the sin of wanting to revisit a point. Makes it very interesting to even find what I wanted, much less back to where I was when I'm done, because if I scroll down enough they go away, so things keep shifting. None of the designers seems to have tried their own stuff on anything but one simulation app via a dedicated T1.

At a certain point, unless I'm held captive in a windowless dungeon, it's happier just to watch cows graze or women fondle all the veggies until they choose the first one they picked up after all.

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