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Panicked WH Smith kills website to stop sales of how-to terrorism manuals


"Oh do fuck off. Warned by The Register indeed."

Quite. Yesterday I took a drum of [redacted][redacted] from the cupboard. This stuff is a dangerous explosive and the factories where it is made ban the carrying of matches, lighters and even check employees' boots to make sure they don't have steel cleats (segs) that could cause a spark. It's that easy to cause an explosion with [redacted][redacted]. Guidance given to resistance fighters[1] in WWII contained details of how [redacted][redacted] or its primary component [redacted] could be use to create IEDs. This is dangerous stuff and yet the government permits [redacted][redacted] to be openly sold. Will no one think of the children?

I later mixed this stuff with another known explosive ingredient [redacted] and the lactations of a domesticated bovine species and poured it over my apple pie. That's how hard I am, I gulp down explosives with my supper.

[1] Or terrorists as the SS/Gestapo called them at the time.

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