Reply to post: Re: Meanwhile

IPv4 is OVER. Really. So quit relying on it in new protocols, sheesh

Charles 9

Re: Meanwhile

"Such as ?"

Legacy kit that's still being used, still making money, and replacing it is simply not an option. Perhaps it's custom kit meaning replacing it is super-expensive and not guaranteed to work.

How does IPv6 deal with IPv4-single-stacked legacy kit that simply will not go away. Basically, they're STUCK on IPv4 for good or ill. IPv6 is not an option because their legacy kit cannot be upgraded or replaced. This represents a noticeable chunk of the Internet, and IPv6 threatens to leave them behind.

Oh, BTW, Walmart still sells VHS tapes because some people are really, REALLY incapable of understanding ANYTHING newer. Even DVD recorders (the closest analogues) confuse them. They want their VCRs, thank you very much. They'll raid secondhand stores to keep using VCRs, and they'll die before giving them up.

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