Reply to post: Re: @ Pete4000uk - Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Brexit judgment could be hit for six by those crazy Supreme Court judges, says barrister


Re: @ Pete4000uk - Should I Stay or Should I Go?

> Your statement also suggests that at some point the EU had gone "just about far enough".

What we joined was a good idea. We joined the EEC or Common Market, which at the time was 9 very similar "western" countries in terms of economic and political development. It was a simple agreement on the trade of goods and services (a common market and customs union).

It all started to go wrong in 1993 with the creation of the European Community, which significantly extended the group's remit to include politics, not just economics. It was at this point that there should have been a 2nd referendum.

Once the free movement of labour principle was established, combined with the EU's aggressive expansionist policy of hoovering up as many disparate countries as possible, irrespective of their match, and ultimately the introduction of the Euro, the writing was on the wall for the EU. It's break up and ultimate demise became inevitable.

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