Reply to post: Re: Here's the math that does not add up

Computer forensics defuses FBI's Clinton email 'bombshell'


Re: Here's the math that does not add up

In this case the only written requirement for prosecution is "gross negligence."

Which was?

Comey chose to convert that to "intent," obviously to get the Democrat candidate off the hook.

Why would he need to do this, when it was clearly evident that she had not committed any crime in this matter?

Or that she is so thick that she was unaware of what she was doing, namely hiding her criminal enterprise (influence peddling) via an illegal home email server?

How is her alleged "influence peddling" illegal? How was her having her own email server "illegal" (or has the US really fallen that far that private servers are illegal?)

Actual answers would be appreciated. With relevant citations where they're not otherwise easily locatable.

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