Reply to post: Re: Media and entertainment

Brexit judgment could be hit for six by those crazy Supreme Court judges, says barrister

veti Silver badge

Re: Media and entertainment

Keep in mind there's quite a lot of MPs - quite possibly even a majority - who want nothing more than to see the government fail to meet its self-inflicted deadline. Or any other deadline.

If they can figure out how to torpedo the whole thing while pinning the responsibility on someone else - anyone else - they'll leap at the chance.

Lengthy arguments before the Supreme Court, missing deadlines, constitutional confusion - it all helps to generate the sort of smokescreen that might give some creative soul the opportunity they're looking for.

Quite possibly, even Ms May herself would be in that category. If she can inspire her "opponents" to take her to court on cases she knows she'll lose... set deadlines she knows she'll miss... make arguments she knows will be shot down... it is just within the bounds of possibility that she might yet pull off the political manoeuvre of the century, which would be to reverse Cameron's brainfart without pissing off the voters - any more than they already are pissed off, at least.

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