Reply to post: Re: Yay! ActiveX 2016!

WebAssembly: Finally something everyone agrees on – websites running C/C++ code

Poncey McPonceface

Re: Yay! ActiveX 2016!

Q: argumentum ad hominem?

A: *yup*

Q: ranty and shouty?


Q: random emphasis?

A: *YUP*, YUP, aaand *YUP*

Q: madey-uppy words?

A: douchie made this reader wtf

Q: ideological?

A: but of course

Ladies and gentleregs, it's gotta be Bombastic Bob! Mercifully as this is not a political post we have been spared such linguistical inventions as Hitlery and DemoRat -- I'm surprised we weren't treated to DoubleUseless3Semen or a similarly ridiculous epithet.

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