Reply to post: zx80

Google man drags Emacs into the 1990s

anthonyhegedus Silver badge


I seem to remember double-buffering was not needed on the zx80, a computer so primitive that it didn't have enough memory to store the whole display and could run out of memory if it had too much to display. It also didn't have enough hardware/processing power to keep the display going at the same time as doing any processing on anything else. Consequently every time you pressed a key, or a program ran for a bit, the display went off. This meant that you could have a program assemble the screen, and you wouldn't see anything happen until it stopped for user input. Great for an untidy redisplay of a screen, but not so good for things looking like they're moving about. Typical Sinclair shite in my opinion. The tech was there to have a screen that didn't flicker every time you pressed a key, but sinclair wanted to make the computer really cheap.

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