Reply to post: Re: Respect for the Dead

Vatican and musicians at odds over appropriate use of crematorium leftovers

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: Respect for the Dead

For those worried about the Almighty's ability to raise you from the dead on the last day; worry no more. As a Pan-dimensional being living outside of time, He can recover your body from any point in your 4-dimensional existence, before you were cremated.
If God is indeed timeless (existing outside of time) and therefore changeless then he must be frozen in a state of suspended animation. He must be doing nothing, and thinking nothing while in that timeless state, so He could not have come up with the idea to create time and the physical Cosmos.

The idea to create the Cosmos must have already existed while God was in that timeless/changeless state. Herein lies a contradiction since ideas by their very Nature are temporal i.e. ideas are a change-of-state. If you have an idea that implies that there was a before when you didn't have that idea. The transition of non-idea to idea is a change and a temporal change to boot.

Never mind what God did do or didn't do, or could do or couldn't do while in a timeless state, tell me what God has done post Creation? What in Hell (so-to-speak) does He actually do with all of Time? If He has no beginning while He exists in a timeless state that's a fucking long time to do... what?

God must be bored out of His timeless (albeit huge) mind. Or fast asleep at the wheel. I'm rather glad I'm not a God.

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