Reply to post: Re: A never-ending study on how to mess up humans...

I've arrived on Mars. Argggh, my back!

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: A never-ending study on how to mess up humans...

"A rotating space vehicle would have to have a large enough radius to generate 1g (or even half a g, that would probably do)"

And that's a fundamental question right there that needs answering eventually. Just how much gravity does the human body need so as not to degrade more than usual over a the months or year(s) of a mission? Say they make it to Mars and find that a long stay in 1/3rd G is bad for them too?

Maybe sometime soon we will see a couple of large Bigelows joined by a tether or even a tube people can get up and down with a docking module in the centre point. (why am I hearing The Blue Danube Waltz in my head?)

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