Reply to post: Check out what uPNP does for your home network.

Chinese electronics biz recalls webcams at heart of botnet DDoS woes

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Check out what uPNP does for your home network.

So glad that I can disable uPnP on my Smoothwall. I'll jolly well manage my own devices thank you verra much.

I'll rather have the schlepp to VPN in to my network and check what my doohickeys are doing than opening the whole kaboodle to world+dog with the potential for mischief (eg fridge orders 200l of milk by itself) ...

Or, better still, not have any IoT frippery in your house at all, and know that there is no way that ne'er-do-wells can pull pranks on you (like getting your fridge to warm the contents for an hour or so while you're at work, then cool everything down nicely before you get home)...

Naaah, I think IoT is overrated at this point in time.

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