Reply to post: Jolts up from snoozing...

LG’s V20 may be the phone of the year. So why the fsck can’t you buy it?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Jolts up from snoozing...

*looks around with one eye*

Picks up OP3 to check for messages.

*goes back to sleep*

I dont care about the hardware anymore. The next real area for innovation is in the software and accessories.

I want to see an OS with no walled garden and I want to see some innovative none proprietary docking solutions that dont cost a fortune.

Phone makers should look closely at the new Nintendo device...theres some really interesting ideas there.

Unplugging your device from a dock and being able to take your current session with you...

Now if I could do that with a phone dock coupled with an SSH session over Mosh...we'd be in interesting territory.

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