Reply to post: Re: But I thought Linux was the height of security

Dirty COW explained: Get a moooo-ve on and patch Linux root hole

Donkey Molestor X

Re: But I thought Linux was the height of security

> *laughs*

> Yeah, clearly.

> And with Linus swearing about people writing crappy code, then this happens... Oh the irony.

didn't you get the memo from The Register Linus Fellation Brigade? you should NEVER develop systematically and you should NEVER automate regression testing. you never blame the defective system or defective processes. just blame whatever developer fights back the least from your bullying.

all you need is to get yourself a project manager who is a foul-mouthed Finnish butter-troll to swear incoherently at your developers whenever the heinous spaghetti code fails!

just do the opposite of everything discussed in this article ( and then throw your shitty OS over the fence to cause trillions of dollars of damage in the real world.

it's the Linus way!

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