Reply to post: Future robot overlords - Please forgive us our sins, we weren't all in "Marketing"

Coming soon to smart home devices? Best Before labels – with patch cut-off dates

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Future robot overlords - Please forgive us our sins, we weren't all in "Marketing"

Manufacturers trying to limit less time for a "cheap" device vs an expensive one is a business decision (duh). Bad news is they're all (almost certainly) going to be connected for a VERY long time...

There is a solution, but personally I REALLY don't like it:- instead of "buying" devices, it will be "licensed" for a limited TIME. So when support runs out the device stops working (or at least the internet functionality). Revenue for the manufacturer up front and repeatedly into the future thanks to (now explicit) planned obsolescence.

Of course device security will come with cryptographic protection, which carries jail time if circumvented so "adding" law that "regulates" manufacturers here is actually in their favor and brings a governmental guarantee to protection of revenue streams.

Sorry, did I say "will"? It's already happening... :-(

Question then becomes how is the "deactivation" handled? Folks are going to be mighty interested in manipulating that expiration functionality (both ways).

Take a more existential point of view and it should be pretty clear that Skynet and Batty's motivation are the same as Johnny 5's - "No disassemble! Alive!".

TLDR - Substitute "IoT" for "AI" or "Thing" for "Machine" and we have the plot of practically every SciFi movie in recent history.

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