Reply to post: Provided their assumpions are correct.

SHA3-256 is quantum-proof, should last billions of years

John Smith 19 Gold badge

Provided their assumpions are correct.

Clearly quibit coherence time is a critical parameter here.

What happens if that increases 10x? 1000x? 1000 000x? And yes IIRC a small number of physical processes have improved by that much over their initial versions.

Now how many ASICs are you using? 1? A board full? A server room full?

It was only when the EFF developed a DES cracker ASIC and IIRC about 8 of them dropped the worst case crack time to less than 1/2 a week at 20MHz, when the NSA finally admitted a 50 bit cypher was insecure.

I don't think people should stop worrying just yet.

And that's before the kidnapping and wrench option is considered.

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