Reply to post: Re: Sorry to be blunt

May blocked plans to bring in more Indian IT workers – Vince Cable

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Sorry to be blunt

> You clearly haven't worked somewhere that's experienced this.

You would be mistaken.

The first time I experienced this I was working for a multinational that decided Europeans and other so-called Westerners could be replaced with more affordable people, largely from the subcontinent. Personally, I saw merit in the idea. Unfortunately, they decided that they were going to offer salaries which were *below* the going rate in those people's countries of origin. Of course, the ones who took the opportunity were those who couldn't get employment back home, so yes, quality did suffer to put it mildly. As it happens, a lot of "Westerners" were let go, others amongst us were classed as critical personnel and stayed, with a payrise.

At various other times I worked alongside very capable chaps and girls from various places, the subcontinent included.

On one memorable occasion, when I was a consultant (£800/day + expenses) I was called in to take over from a rather disastrous attempt to outsource a project to an improbably cheap company in India (there are also good ones, and they're affordable but not rock-bottom cheap). We found out it was a manoeuvre by the rather underperforming UK-based team of aboriginals to try to make themselves look good and useful, by comparison to the Indians, in the eyes of the parent German company. We moved the project to France, which worked out cheaper and better, plus the frogs actually delivered the product, something that, in three years, the UK team had been unable to even come close to.

Be careful what you wish for, my friend.

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