Reply to post: Re: Well at least Clinton's team didn't use Boot and Nuke

Google has unleashed Factivism to smite the untruthy

Sherrie Ludwig

Re: Well at least Clinton's team didn't use Boot and Nuke

Both stem from the same problem, that nobody is able to articulate a coherent vision for the future based on how things are at the moment, explain why this is for the greater good, and say how to get there from here. If that could be set out first, then it might be possible to have a somewhat decent debate which isn't just finger pointing and name calling.

We tried that. A guy named Bernie Sanders noted that the people of countries with government paid tuition and healthcare seem to not go broke as often, and that being the world's policeman only got us a bunch of grief, and tried to suggest going about things differently. If the powers that be had not decided that, having been blindsided by a skinny black guy once, they were not about to have that happen again, we might have gotten somewhere. Maybe not anywhere better, but at least different.

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