Reply to post: ... long time ago ...

Pair programming – you'll never guess what happens next!

Joe Werner Silver badge

... long time ago ...

We did pair programming in a class I took a decade (or two...) ago. Simple reason: computers were expensive beasts then. We did not rotate around, but thankfully the guy I got matched up with was intelligent - and we thought in similar ways, which became apparent when we could more or less swap places (only one keyboard) in the middle of a line. This was in the time before syntax highlighting and spell checking etc., and we were able to catch many small things. We also caught each other being too lazy to think about input sanitising, missing possible cases or being ambiguous. I actually miss that. It also helped both of us to be less of a lazy sod (until we finished the tasks, then we goofed off). I *especially* miss this aspect.

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