Reply to post: It's like that Spielberg "AI" movie: You hope for the real thing but in the end it's just schlock.

Intel: New x86 AI instructions

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

It's like that Spielberg "AI" movie: You hope for the real thing but in the end it's just schlock.

Always remember "AI" is just whatever people are interested in at the moment to get more out of the machine or the sales department (i.e. "Advanced Informatics"). Object-Orientation, Functional Programming, Meta-Programming and Homoiconicity were all "AI" once. I am sure that in time logic programming will be back and then we will get special instructions for that etc. etc.

That being said, wouldn't it make much more sense to have fit-for-purpose specialized hardware off-CPU, which could even do analog processing much more quickly. Sounds like someone has found a hammer...

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