Reply to post: Re: So...

New Brit Hubble analysis finds 2,000 billion galaxies, 10x previous count


Re: So...

"does deciding there's ten times as much baryonic 'stuff' out there as we previously thought imply for the need/ calculations in respect of dark matter/ energy?"

As far as I'm aware (and I'm no expert either) it probably doesn't.

One of the reasons that we think dark matter exists is that the outer regions of spiral galaxies rotate faster than they should given the number of stars we can see in them (i.e. visible mass.) Rather than rotating in a similar fashion to our solar system, where outer bodies have a much lower angular velocity than inner bodies (i.e. much longer solar year), spiral galaxies rotate more like a solid disc, with the outer stars rotating around the galactic centre with an angular velocity not that much slower than inner stars. This implies that there is much more mass 'holding the galaxy together' than can be accounted for just by adding up the total mass of all the galaxy's stars.

So basically, more galaxies probably means more dark matter, not less, so the proportion of the universe that's estimated to be made up of dark matter will stay the same.

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