Reply to post: Re: The Greater Danger

Leap second scheduled for New Year's Eve 2016


Re: The Greater Danger

NS "Adding a leap second makes it go forward a bit faster..."

A Leap Second of the sort planned is similar to a pause. Like a 'Built-In Hold' during a rocket launch count down. Or like the 29th of February.

So what is it that you believe goes "forward a bit faster"?

If you're referring to our clocks, they're effectively pausing for one second. That's the opposite of both going "forward" and going "a bit faster".

If you're referring to Newton's pre-Einstein Absolute Time, well it doesn't exist. And even if you thought it did exist, then you'll not be thinking that we're making it do anything (what with being Absolute Time and all).

I suspect you're directionally-confused by the word 'Leap' in Leap Second. It's a misnomer. It should be called a 'Pause Second' for these extra second. But they were following the misnomer convention of Leap Year. Which is also the exact opposite of a 'Leap', as we pause Feb/Mar transition for an extra day.

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