Reply to post: Re: El Reg sat down with....? Wow!

Windows updates? Just trust us, says Microsoft executive

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: El Reg sat down with....? Wow!

I have yet to understand why.

And that's the first I've heard of it. Came across a doozy with Mint 17.3 an hour or so ago. Printed a couple of PDFs. Attempting to print another and no go. Reset the printer, reconnected the printer, changed the printer cable, cancelled the print job, placed my special New Age healing crystal* on the printer... Rebooted into Win7 and printer's fine. Rebooted into Mint and still get Pending in Document Print Status and Printer not connected in Properties.

After considerable Google-fu discovered it's a feature of Ubuntu to disable Printer Policies. I don't know why, but at least I'll know next time (assuming my incipient dementia doesn't prevent me remembering).

* Often works with Windows... and I don't know why ;-)

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