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Snoop! stooge! Yahoo! handed! all! your! email! to! Uncle! Sam! – and! any! passing! hacker!

Fred Flintstone Gold badge

(not sure if formal punctuation demands a period after the ! in that sentence)

Interesting point (sorry :) ). Was there ever a rule developed for marketing idiots including punctuation in a name? As the exclamation mark is part of the company name it should formally not be considered punctuation, which would normally demand an extra full stop.

However, as that would be playing along with something that I've always found rather stupid! (as does El Reg, hence the constant heckling! in! any! Yahoo! headline!), I personally am of the opinion that formal rules can go stuff themselves and I'll (a) call it Yahoo and (b) add any punctuation to suit, which is unlikely to include an exclamation mark, under the banner of not wanting to perpetuate another marketing crime against the English language, even if it's American. Puns and play on words, fine, punctuation, no.


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