Reply to post: Re: Overlapping windows

Our Windows windows will be resizable, soooon, vows Microsoft


Re: Overlapping windows

That sounds a bit harsh. I've been using a keyboard-driven tiling window manager since mid 00's (ion) and I could never go back to handling window management manually anymore. But I can see why some people wouldn't take to it, tiling/floating is definitely subjective - but why don't they just add a setting to set the root window into floating if that's your choice? Or add another workspace which has the floating property, while you keep the tiling property on the root? There are occasional programs that just don't want to co-operate in a tiled/fullscreen environment, and a floating workspace is perfect for that.

It seems like a missed opportunity to impose your will for either one or the other, but then again, microsoft's imposing will is why I left that world behind years ago ;)

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