Reply to post: Re: And LibreSSL isn't even an option on 32-bit Linux

Patch AGAIN: OpenSSL security fixes now need their own security fixes


Re: And LibreSSL isn't even an option on 32-bit Linux

32 bit code isn't dead yet and some of us have been having that discussion in SPARC land for more than a decade.

99.999999999% of code that has any non zero value in the top 32 bits of a pointer is a bug (yeah, based on zero based page addresses and non randomized frame pointers etc).

99.9% of any code that isn't crypto that has non zero (except -1) on the top 32 bits of an int is buggy. Oddly enough that include most graphics code (the GPUs deal with smaller or much larger than 64 bits at a time)

Meanwhile 64 bit code tends to double the data moves and doubles the cpu power used moving around a great many zeros for the benefit that maybe it will work once the program has to cope with more than 4 billion bytes assuming it hasn't been swapping like mad for more than a month once it reaches that magic threshold. I've seen very few programs that can cope.

Of course there are programs that do make use of it but they are very rare or use memory in other ways.

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