Reply to post: I got to laugh at my boss.

Pull the plug! PowerPoint may kill my conference audience

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I got to laugh at my boss.

He had made me & other minions whip him up a PP presentation full of bulleted data points, charts & graphs of corporate financials, whiz bang graphics & a happy-bouncy "Elevator Muzak" song in the background. We test the hell out of it on multiple systems to make sure it will work on as many different ones as possible, since none of us minions have been given the OK to attend whatever function where he'll be making said presentation. Since we can't be there to check the equipment before he starts, we're trying to proactively defuse them before they blow up in his (& thus our) face(s).

After saving his presentation as a PPT, an AVI, and even exported it as an EXE file, he's got it on a DVD, a spare FlashDrive, the laptop's HDD, *and* a copy on his damned phone - if he can't get to a copy then it's not OUR fault he left everything at home.

He goes to the function, a Friday over the weekend affair at some posh resort no doubt, & we relax to get back to our normal duties, but then Manglement calls an All Hands meeting to watch our boss on the big screen monitors as he makes his presentation live to our investors & shareholders. We think "This outta be fun!" & sit down to watch the fruits of our work in pseudo-IMAX wide screen glory...

Only to have the boss accidently trigger a *different* PPT than ours. It was rather spit-spray-inducing & ROTFLMMFAO inspiring to see our boss madly clicking the close button on a PP-based porn slideshow.

The presentation we had worked so hard to get right wasn't AS popular as the first one, but then we didn't include a donkey & several litres of melted butter.

I got to shake the hand of our new boss when he showed up on the following Monday!


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