Reply to post: Re: Ho Hum

Pull the plug! PowerPoint may kill my conference audience

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Ho Hum

It is probably rule number one. Never stand in front of the audience with a computer presentation unless you've tried it out there first.

And rule number 2 is; always have another portable version on memory stick/CD or ideally both. And if you can save it in more than one format -DO.

Rule 3 is a simple one: CONTENT matters, not the presentation thereof. If what you're talking about is interesting to your audience, you can even do entirely without projectors and visuals. As a matter of fact, I often deliberately do without, just to stop people from looking at pretty pictures (that's my excuse and I stick to it, nothing to do with accidentally taking along the wrong laptop, nooo).

I always have a printed copy of a presentation with me, and quite often I don't even need any audio-visual, I only ever use that if there are graphs or images that help with what I'm presenting. I use slides mainly as a way to prompt me (they usually contain one word or at most one sentence).

When I started working with audiences, I was told a very simple thing: YOU present, not your slides, graphics, gimmicks, no, you. So you better have a good story.

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